Vol. XVII(1) 2009
Effect of indolebutyric acid on root regeneration and seedling survival after transplanting of three Pistacia species
Mostafa Mobli, Bahram Baninasab
In vitro micropropagation of ‘Khalas’ date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), an important fruit plant
Junaid Aslam, Saeed Ahmed Khan
Shoot multiplication and plant regeneration of guava (Psidium guajava L.) from nodal explants of in vitro raised plantlets
Manoj Kumar Rai, Vijai Shanker Jaiswal, Uma Jaiswal
The usefulness of four rootstocks for the production of maiden peach trees
Sławomir Świerczyński, Aleksander Stachowiak
Effect of different tree training systems on growth and yielding of two apple cultivars
Krzysztof Rutkowski, Małgorzata Kantorowicz-Bąk, Eugeniusz Pacholak
Growth of peach trees on Pumiselect rootstock, in the first years after planting
Adam Szewczuk, Ewelina Gudarowska
Effect of organic fertilizers on susceptibility of potted durian seedlings to Phytophthora diseases
Muryati, Liza Octriana, Deni Emilda, Panca Jarot Santoso, Diah Sunarwati
Potassium effect on ion leakage, water usage, fruit yield and biomass production by strawberry plants grown under NaCl stress
Mehdi Khayyat, Mohammad Reza Vazifeshenas, Soheila Rajaee, Salma Jamalian
Influence of substrate on yield and chemical composition of highbush blueberry fruit cv. ‘Sierra’
Ireneusz Ochmian, Józef Grajkowski, Katarzyna Skupień
Influence of ripening time on fruit chemical composition of two blue honeysuckle cultigens
Katarzyna Skupień, Ireneusz Ochmian, Józef Grajkowski
Effect of different sucrose and nitrogen levels in the medium on chlorophyll and anthocyanin content in Clematis pitcheri shoots cultured in vitro at different temperatures
Ludwika Kawa-Miszczak, Elżbieta Węgrzynowicz-Lesiak, Eleonora Gabryszewska, Marian Saniewski
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