Vol. XVI 2008
Suitability evaluation of several apple cultivars for organic fruit production
Alojzy Czynczyk, Augustyn Mika, Paweł Bielicki, Adam Krawiec
Influence of various soil maintenance methods in organic orchard on the growth and yielding of sweet cherry trees in the first years after planting
Elżbieta Rozpara, Zygmunt S. Grzyb, Paweł Bielicki
Evaluation of the effect of P 14 rootstock propagated in vitro and in stoolbeds on the growth and yielding of three apple cultivars
Alojzy Czynczyk, Paweł Bielicki, Barbara Bartosiewicz
Influence of rootstock on the quality of ‘Jonagold’ apples at harvest and after storage
Kazimierz Tomala, Janusz Andziak, Kamil Jeziorek, Romuald Dziuban
Nondestructive determination of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple quality and harvest maturity
Krzysztof P. Rutkowski, Barbara Michalczuk, Paweł Konopacki
Relationship between yield, crop density coefficient and average fruit weight of ‘Gala’ apple
Waldemar Treder
Induction of lateral shoots in unpruned leaders of young sweet cherry trees
Tadeusz Jacyna, Tomasz Lipa
The influence of two training systems on growth and cropping of three pear cultivars
Ireneusz Sosna, Marta Czaplicka
Field performance, fruit chemical composition and firmness under cold storage and simulated “shelf-life” conditions of three blue honeysuckle cultigens (Lonicera caerulea)
Ireneusz Ochmian, Józef Grajkowski, Katarzyna Skupień
Propagation of blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica Pojark.) in in vitro culture
Ewa Dziedzic
Elimination of Prunus Necrotic Ring Spot Virus (PNRSV) from plum ‘Earliblue’ shoots through thermotherapy in vitro
Ewa Dziedzic
A method for in vitro testing strawberry susceptibility to Verticillum wilt
Iwona Sowik, Lech Michalczuk, Danuta Wójcik
The post-effect of in vitro storage on shoot multiplication and rooting of ‘Senga Sengana’ strawberry shoots
Anna Lisek, Teresa Orlikowska
Combining ability for important horticultural traits in medium- and late-maturing strawberry cultivars
Agnieszka Masny, Wiesław Mądry, Edward Żurawicz
Evaluation of the suitability of Polish blackcurrant cultivars for commercial cultivation
Stanisław Pluta, Edward Żurawicz, Adam Krawiec, Zdzisław Salamon
Effects of various organic substrates and nutrient solution on productivity and fruit quality of strawberry ‘Selva’ (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.)
Sara Yavari, Saeid Eshghi, Enayatollah Tafazoli, Saba Yavari
Response to drought stress of three strawberry cultivars grown under greenhouse conditions
Krzysztof Klamkowski, Waldemar Treder
Biology of sweet cherry flowering
Włodzimierz Lech, Monika Małodobry, Ewa Dziedzic, Monika Bieniasz, Sławomir Doniec
Effect of 25 years of differentiated fertili-zation with NPK and magnesium on growth and fruit yield of apple ‘Cortland’ and on the content of minerals in soil and leaves
Eugeniusz Pacholak
The effect of fatigued soil on the growth of strawberry plants in rhizoboxes
Zofia Zydlik, Eugeniusz Pacholak
The influence of mycorrhization and organic mulches on mycorrhizal frequency in apple and strawberry roots
Edyta Derkowska, Lidia Sas-Paszt, Beata Sumorok, Eugeniusz Szwonek, Sławomir Głuszek
Evaluation of the response of micropropagated peach rootstock ‘Cadaman’ and cv. ‘Cresthaven’ to mycorrhization using chlorophyll a fluorescence method
Bozenna Borkowska, Ildiko Balla, Endre Szucs, Barbara Michalczuk
Preferences and consumption of dried fruit and dried fruit products among Dutch, French and Polish consumers
Katarzyna Jesionkowska, Siet Sijtsema, Ronan Simoneaux, Dorota Konopacka, Witold Płocharski
The usefulness of natural concentrated fruit juices as osmotic agents for osmo-dehydrated dried fruit production
Dorota Konopacka, Katarzyna Jesionkowska, Monika Mieszczakowska, Witold Płocharski
Climatic factors affecting development and yielding of grapevine in central Poland
Jerzy Lisek
The suitability of PCR-based techniques for detecting Verticillium dahliae in strawberry plants and soil
Paulina Kuchta, Tomasz Jęcz, Małgorzata Korbin
The importance of the type of Erwinia amylovora inoculum in screening of apple genotypes susceptibility to fire blight
Piotr Sobiczewski, Edward Żurawicz, Stanisław Berczyński, Artur Mikiciński, Mariusz Lewandowski
Raspberry cane midge – Resseliella theobaldi (Barnes) – Flight and egg laying dynamics on raspberry fruiting on two year old canes
Barbara H. Łabanowska, Jerry Cross
Productive value of seven apple cultivars with different susceptibility to apple scab (Venturia inaequalis Che.)
Michał Szklarz
The effect of chitosan on rooting of grapevine cuttings and on subsequent plant growth under drought and temperature stress
Krzysztof Górnik, Mieczysław Grzesik, Beata Romanowska-Duda
In vitro bulblet productivity in different explants of hybrid lilies
Ranjana Kapoor, Surinder Kumar, Jitender Kumar Kanwar, Pawan Kumar Mahajan
Bulblet regeneration from in vitro roots of oriental lily hybrid
Surinder Kumar, Vinita Chaudhary, Jitender Kumar Kanwar
The effects of cocopeat and fertilization on the growth and flowering of oriental lily ‘Star Gazer’
Jadwiga Treder
In vitro storage of Hosta Tratt. Cultures
Maria Witomska, Aleksandra Łukaszewska, Anna Tyszkiewicz
Effect of soil salinity on growth, water status and nutrient accumulation in seedlings of Ziziphus mauritiana (Rhamnaceae)
Mamta J. Bhatt, Ashish D. Patel, Pranali M. Bhatti, Amar Nath Pandey
The effect of different soil amendments on growth and flowering of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) ‘Queen’
Farzad Nazari, Homayoun Farahmand, Saied Eshghi, Marzieh Niki, Molook Eslamzade
The influence of paclobutrazol in the rooting medium on the quality of chrysanthemum vitroplants
Danuta Kucharska, Teresa Orlikowska
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