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VOL. XII 2004 Special ed.


Advances in apple breeding for enhanced fruit quality and resistance to biotic stresses: new varieties for the European market
Silviero Sansavini, Franco Donati, Fabrizio Costa, Stefano Tartarini

Use of genetic resources in apple breeding and for sustainable fruit production 
Markus Kellerhals, Lukas Bertschinger, Cesare Gessler

Genetic resources as basis for new resistant apple cultivars
Manfred Fischer, Christa Fischer

The Prunus European Cooperative Programme for Genetic Resources: a networking activity for the European Prunus database and the challenge for European collections
Françoise Dosba, Anne Zanetto

Cornelian cherry germplasm resources of Turkey
Sezai Ercýslý

The Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.): collection, preservation, and utilization of genetic resources
Svitlana Klimenko

Gene banks for preservation of wild apple genetic resources
Rolf Büttner, Manfred Fischer, Philip L. Forsline, Martin Geibel, Vladimir V. Ponomarenko

The importance of genetic resources for apricot breeding in Slovakia
Daniela Benedikova

Genetic resources of the fruit tree, small fruit and ornamental plant collections at the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Skierniewice, Poland
Zygmunt S. Grzyb

Collection of the genus Malus Mill. in the Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw
Marta Dziubiak

Content of the Swedish Berry Gene Bank
Inger Hjalmarsson, Björn Wallace

Morphological and biological characteristics of fruits and seed of the service tree (Sorbus domestica L.)
Marián Miko, Ján Gažo

Evaluation of blackcurrant genetic resources for sustainable production
Kaspars Kampuss, Sarmite Strautina

Factors influencing marketable yield and berry size in short-day strawberry varieties in two fruiting seasons
Dina Shokaeva

Some experiments on the ecological cultivation of the lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) in a mountainous region of Slovakia
Daniel Šimala

Yield in elderberry cultivars grown on two different soils in 1997-2003
Jadwiga Waźbińska, Urszula Puczel, Joanna Senderowska

The common sea buckthorn - a valuable fruit
Zdzisław Kawecki, Marina Szałkiewicz, Anna Bieniek

Assessment of diversity of wild raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) in Lithuania
Jolanta Patamsyte, Donatas Žvingila, Juozas Labokas, Virgilijus Baliuckas, Violeta Kleizaite, Laimute Balčiuniene, Vytautas Rančelis

The effect of different types of mulching on yield, size, color and storability of 'Jnagored' apples
Adam Szewczuk, Ewelina Gudarowska

Resistance to aphids and scale insects in nine apple cultivars
Radoslav Andreev, Hristina Kutinkova

Evaluation of scab resistant apple cultivars in Sweden
Asa Jönsson, Ibrahim Tahir 

Scab resistance in apple cultivars from the Lithuanian germplasm collection and selection of donors for breeding
Bronislovas Gelvonauskis, Dalia Gelvonauskiene

Response to diseases in new apple cultivars from the Czech Republic
Jan Blažek

Evaluation of apple cultivars for sustainable fruit production
Alojzy Czynczyk, Augustyn Mika, Paweł Bielicki, Adam Krawiec

Vegetative and reproductive parameters of introduced plum cultivars
Ivanka Vitanova, Stela Dimkova, Darina Ivanova

Evaluation of local Bulgarian plum cultivars for agronomic traits and resistance to diseases
Ivanka Vitanova, Stela Dimkova, Darina Ivanova, Nicolina Marinova

Biological characterization of the plum cultivars 'Gabrovska' and 'Goulyaeva'
Ivanka Vitanova, Stela Dimkova, Darina Ivanova

Investigation on resistance to leaf spot disease, (Blumeriella jaapi), in cherries
Mirko Schuster

Evaluation of sweet cherry cultivars recently introduced into Bulgaria compared with two Bulgarian cultivars
Valentin Lichev, Georgi Govedarov, Sava Tabakov, Anton Yordanov

Effects of rootstock on photosynthetic activity and productivity in the sweet cherry cultivar 'Stella'
Valentin Lichev, Maria Berova

Resistance stability to leaf diseases of sour cherry varieties in Lithuania
Dalia Gelvonauskiene, Vidmantas Stanys, Gražina Staniene

Resistance to abiotic and biotic stressors in sweet cherry rootstocks and cultivars from the Czech Republic
Jitka Blažková

Field evaluation of the susceptibility to Blumeriella jaapi and Glomerella cingulata and some biological properties of newly selected sour cherry genotypes
Zygmunt S. Grzyb, Elżbieta Rozpara

Winter-hardy apricots and peaches with good fruit quality in Latvia
Edite Kaufmane, Gunars Lacis

Molecular studies on the variability of Polish semi-wild pears (Pyrus) using AFLP
Jakub Dolatowski, Jarosław Nowosielski, Wiesław Podyma, Małgorzata Szymańska, Marcin Zych

Chemical composition of the fruits of sea buckthorn and how it changes during the harvest season in Estonia
Toivo Univer, Madli Jalakas, K. Kelt


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