VOL XIV 2006 Supplement 3

Pest and Weed Control in Sustainable Fruit Production

Weeds in orchards – pros and contras
Janusz Lipecki

Enhancing biocontrol in orchards by increasing food web biodiversity
Mark W. Brown, Thomas Tworkoski

Implementation of integrated fruit production (IFP) in sour cherry orchards: case studies in the Lipsko nad Wisłą district
Zbigniew T. Dąbrowski, Iwona Burdon 

Seasonal flight dynamics of the apple clearwing moth (Synanthedon myopaeformis Borkh., Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) based on catches in pheromone traps
Hristina Kutinkova, Radoslav Andreev, Mitko Subchev, Gabor Szőcs, Miklós Tóth

The challenges of developing IPM programmes for soft fruit crops that eliminate reportable pesticide residues
Jerry Cross, Angela Berrie

Susceptibility of raspberry cultivars to the raspberry cane midge (Resseliella theobaldi Barnes)
Gábor Vétek, József Fail, Béla Pénzes

Potential agents for controlling the strawberry mite (Phytonemus pallidus ssp. fragariae Zimm.) after the withdrawal of endosulfan
Barbara H. Łabanowska

Biological control of European cockchafer larvae (Melolontha melolontha L.) – preliminary results
Tamás Lakatos, Tímea Tóth

The effect of kaolin treatments on phytophagous and predatory arthropods in the canopies of apple trees
Viktor Markó, Leo H.M. Blommers, Sándor Bogya, Herman Helsen

Controlling pear psyllids by mass-releasing Anthocoris nemoralis and A. nemorum (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) 
Lene Sigsgaard, Peter Esbjerg, Holger Philipsen

Insecticide resistance in the codling moth (Cydia pomonella)
Jitka Stará, Kateřina Naďová, František Kocourek

The sterile insect technique as a component of sustainable area-wide integrated pest management of selected horticultural insect pests
Marc J.B. Vreysen, Jorge Hendrichs, Walther R. Enkerlin

Major pests in cranberry plantations in Latvia
Ilze Apenite, Roberts Cinitis

Susceptibility of some apple cultivars to infestation by the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea Pass., Homoptera: Aphididae) 
Vesselin Arnaoudov, Hristina Kutinkova

Thripidae in Polish plum and apple nurseries and orchards
Teresa Badowska-Czubik, Remigiusz W. Olszak

Studies on rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Hungarian orchards ecosystems
Adalbert Balog, Viktor Markó

Scheduling pesticide treatments for controlling the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea (Klug.)
Vladan Falta, Václav Kneifl

Management and control of insecticide-resistant pear psylla (Cacopsylla pyri)
František Kocourek, Jitka Stará

Mass trapping of Synanthedon tipulifornis on blackcurrants and Grapholitha funebrana on plums with pheromone glue traps in Belarus
Natalia Koltun, Svetlana Yarchakovskaya

Alternative aphid control methods for peach production
Athanasios K. Kourdoumbalos, John T. Margaritopoloulos, George D. Nanos, John A. Tsitsipis

New agents for controlling leaf mining pests in apple orchards
Alicja Maciesiak, Remigiusz W. Olszak

Controlling the codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) with the “attract and kill” agent Appeal 04 PA
Zofia Płuciennik, Remigiusz W.Olszak

Introducing Typhlodromus pyri (Phytoseiidae) into apple orchards in Poland
Małgorzata Sekrecka, Edmund Niemczyk

Importance of cultivar choice in preventing infestation by the blackcurrant gall mite (Cecidophyopsis ribis Westw.) on blackcurrant plantations
Edgars Rubauskis, Sarmite Strautina, Valentina Surikova

Effects of mulching in a nectarine orchard in sustainable fruit production
Adam Szewczuk, Ewelina Gudarowska

Collection of entomopathogenic nematodes for the biological control of insect pests
Tímea Tóth


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