Conference Fee

Conference Fee covers: access to sessions, conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception, conference dinner, professional tour.

Cancellation policy will be given in the Second Announcement.

Registration up to       April 20, 2019     € 130.00

Registration after        April 20, 2019     € 150.00

ONLINE Payment

Due to relatively urgent and totally uninspected necessity for restructuration process of our Institute, the previously announced electronic ‘Online Payment’ choice is currently not possible to be offered to the participants of the Postharvest 2019 International Conference. Please use the ‘Bank Transfer’ option, instead, to make the payment of the Conference Fee. In case of any difficulties with transfer of money, please contact Kalina Sikorska-Zimny, the Secretary of the Organizing Committee, and we will try to arrange the possibility of making the payment onsite, in cash or credit/debit card, after your arrival to Skierniewice. We are very sorry for any inconveniences associated with this decision.


Please be advised that the amount of the Conference Fee is based upon the Registration Date, not on the actual date of making payment. However, the payment in full amount has to be collected before the Conference starts.

The registration fee payment (net value) should be made exclusively by bank transfer to:

Beneficent: Research Institute of Horticulture
Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland
Bank: PEKAO S.A. I O/Skierniewice
Bank address: Galeckiego 16 Str., 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland
Account: PL 31 1240 3321 1978 0010 4436 0734
Reference: Please indicate on the bank transfer form the keyword: POSTHARVEST2019

You are also kindly requested to include your name and affiliation on the bank transfer form.

Please note: Participants are fully responsible to cover the whole amount of bank transfer charges.

For Polish participants only – payment in PLN (Polish zloty)

Opłata dla osób zarejestrowanych do 20 kwietnia 2019 roku wynosi 560 zł, w późniejszym terminie 650 zł.

Wpłatę prosimy kierować na konto:

Beneficjent: Instytut Ogrodnictwa
Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice
Bank: PEKAO S.A. I O/Skierniewice
Adres: Gałeckiego 16, 96-100 Skierniewice
Konto: PL 08 1240 3321 1111 0000 2853 6787

Prosimy o umieszczenie na dokumencie przelewu słowa: POSTHARVEST2019

Prosimy również o umieszczenie na przelewie bankowym danych personalnych uczestnika oraz informacji o afiliacji.